your heart on porn and masturbation


Watching porn and doing masturbation is one of the habit that a lot of people have developed and some people are so chronic to it, without realizing that it has great impact to the heart, you must learn to guard your heart with all diligence for in there come out spring of life

A heart of person has divine power if it is sacred it can tell you the truth about your life and the situations your facing and also giving you a right perspective about your life, but if it is not kept well then the heart will begin to misbehave in way that it won’t be of any benefit to you, an evil heart is of no benefits at all, here are the stages of the destruction of the heart that will happen as one is involved with both born and masturbation


Soon after watching porn and doing masturbation the impact is so instant, heart will be severed wounded this will depend with how emotionally you were during the process of masturbation, a great wound or wounds will appear in your heart you can just feel them, especially when you sleep and wake up, you clearly feel the pain in your heart


Continuous doing of the masturbation with porn will take your heart to the next level, at these stage your heart will undergo deafness, your heart will create blockage, doors in your heart will  close and now you can’t be easily inspired because your heart start losing it ability of having good positive sensitivity


At this stage you can’t feel that you have heart anymore, it feels like your heart turned into stone and your carrying a heavy stone in your chest, this is bad sign because now your heart is about to die


This is where a heart is completely dead, at this stage your heart is totally neutralized now you can’t feel burning pain, you won’t feel like your heart is going deaf and you won’t feel the heart of stone, here you’ll feel normal, masturbation and porn will be like your food and it will not make a different here is the results of dead heart

·       Since your heart is corrupt then it will bring all false dreams to you

·       You won’t be able to sense happiness or joy in your heart, because your heart lost it sensitivity ability

·       Hatred feeling and thoughts will be produced automatically every now and then

·       Evil thoughts will have no limits; you won’t feel regret because your heart feels okay

·       Fantasy thoughts will increase and your will be diluted


There is no other way to cure a dead, wounded, deaf or the heart of stone but one, you must fast for 3 or more day depending on which stage your heart got, if your heart was completely dead then you have to fast more days like 5 to 7 days this is the only way to cure the heart, getting enough sleep won’t help, meditation won’t help, praying won’t heal the heart, singing won’t do, the only way to fast

After your finish your fast and prayer then your heart will return to its normal good condition and now

You can easy feel happiness and joy in your heart, you will experience many true dreams, you will feel peace, hatred and anger will disappear, evil thoughts won’t be produced, you will be able to control your mind, you are now free


Watching porn and doing masturbation is always seems like great idea because it feel so enjoyable but it has great impact to the heart as it lead to the destruction of the heart and  make the heart doors completely close and lose its positivity sensitivity, people who are chronic to this habit end up feeling frustrated, violated, wounded and so on , watching porn and doing masturbation is not a game that you should love to play because at the end of the day you’re the one who has been taken advantage of, if your heart is dead or wounded then prayer itself  won’t help to heal it, you need to fast and pray and stay away from porn material and all nudity contents, stop masturbation, stay strong, get health and stable mind, don’t let the door of  your heart close, fight for your heart protect it at all cost against these dangerous porn materials so you can be happy and live with unlimited joy

To understand more about masturbation, click here


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