things that hold you back from being successful


There are things in our life or culture that we grew up with can hold our life back and it is very important to know them because it can be very hard to come out of them.


First of all, you have to ask yourself what do you believe? and do you think what you believe is the reality? if so why some people do not have the same belief and yet have greater success than you are? Don’t you think that your belief system is taking you back? some of the things we believe are not the reality of things, so one has to evaluate themselves as to what has their belief taken them in life.


We live in the society where by we are surrounded by various people who have different mentality, whenever you do something some people are going to comment in negative way and others in a positive way so it is important that you keep going without being distracted with any of them

 people’s opinion could be worse and very frustrating, so don’t let people’s opinion be a measuring stick of your life or success


Fear could be called lack of confidence, fear of doing something could be greater hindrance of somebody’s success there are people with great talent and amazing skill but they are afraid of coming out and showing those talent, people who want to start business must be bold and have a very good plan in order to achieve those successes


Because of lack of money some people are afraid to start something you can start small and as you continue then you get big, as it has been said “don’t despise the days of small beginning” many of the great companies and institution that we see today are the result of day to day effort that has been made they started small and grew as the time went.


Having debt is one of the things that can easily hold you back, many people who have debt they never get peace of mind they constantly think of it daily, great businessman takes loans and then they build business that brings back more money, but people with poor understanding about money they better not get in debt otherwise their life may end being difficult as they will be working hard only to pay the debt.

As we know some people take loan at the bank and then when they fail to pay, their land or house is taken away from them, the best thing to do is to avoid debt and learn to invest your own money.


Being too lazy is one of the thing that hold people’s potential, some people are so talented and so intelligence but because of their laziness their talent or work cannot be manifested, avoid laziness at all cost work hard and work smart, one day the hard work will pay, a lazy person cannot accomplish anything in their life


This is like disease some people have a tendency of holding things in their heart, they always want to do revenge, if you can’t forgive people then it will be hard for you to work with them never hold grudges against people, just forgive and forget, sometimes the best thing you can do is to speak openly to the targeted people on what you don’t like but however you must communicate with them in positive manner.

Grudges starting by making people being bitter and then they start to feel pain in their heart soon it will start to influence their attitude and how they treat a particular person.


Being negative does not lead anywhere, people who are negative they never prosper in this life, nobody like to be around a negative person because they are not fun people to be around with,

People who are positive have unlimited possibility to be successful, you can warn people in positive way, you can reveal your anger in positive way and you can show what makes you unhappy in positive manner,

People who are positive get the chance to be listened what they have to say, but negative people are considered to be arrogant, mean and dumb.


Each person who is successful has started their own business, depending on one source of income like the job that you have been hired is not enough, start your own business to get some extra money this will support you when you are in need of more money

The profit that you make in your business you can start investing it, after a while you may have more money that you can actual use to do something meaningful


People who have enough money can live luxurious life because they make a lot of money in a very short time, but it is not advised for a person to live a luxurious life while they have no good streams of income doing this can lead to sudden bankrupt

Poor people must learn to control their money usage and keep record of their usage, this will give them control of their money, to improve your financial life it is advised that you invest in asset not liability, an asset is anything that bring the money in your pocket while liability is anything that take the money out of your pocket.


Most people who are too soft can’t get the job done, strong people are always trustable because they can work hard and get the job done, so show to the world that you are a tough man and can get the job done.

 learn to work overtime to get more experience and more money, you must build courage, stand up and fight for something worthy in your life.

Most of the successful worker are tough as nail, they work so hard and work very smart, they don’t even care what other people think of them their concern is only to get the job done


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