how to lose belly fat


What Is Belly Fat?

The fat just under the skin is called subcutaneous fat is what causes that bulge over your waistband. You may not like the way it looks, but it’s less dangerous than visceral fat, which resides deep in the abdominal area and is associated with heart disease and diabetes.

visceral fat is metabolically active fat that secretes different hormones than other fat it has a significant effect on our metabolism.



It is very important that we manage our eating habit it has been said that we should eat balanced diet and have interval between time that we take our meal, the meal we take must contains also fruits like oranges, mangoes, pineapple etc.

Eating too much and randomly may cause belly fat, as the fat accumulate themselves in the body and them find a place to stay

The excess intake of sugar in the body can lead to increase in weight because once sugar is excess in the body then it is going to be transformed in fat and stored in the body for the future usage, if in the future a person eat more than the stored fat won’t be used and more fat will be stored again this habit could lead to the obesity soon or later

Drinking of too much alcohol and meats that contain high amount fat is not good habit as it can lead to the accumulation of fat in the body, both alcohol and meats contain too much calories hence the consumption of these contents will lead to increase in fat quickly in the body.


Belly fat can contributed by the availability of the excess fat in the body, so best thing to do is to start dealing with weight reduction exercise, exercise is the one of the easiest way to burn more calories in the body quickly, build the habit of doing exercise for at least 20 to 30 minutes daily, exercise can simply help to burn the calories in the body, practice also can help you lose weight if your weight is too much involving yourself with anaerobic exercise which can help you to burn more calories these exercise include running, jumping, riding bicycle, jogging, dancing, kick box and so on,

You can choose to join sport team as the part of the initiative of weight reduction, join sports team like football team, netball team, riding bicycle team and so on

Practice yoga, yoga is very good for anyone wishing to lose some weight, yoga can also include stretching of the entire parts of the body which include your waist, belly, hands, legs, neck, backbone and so on, yoga can help burn more calories in the body and allow the blood to flow smooth throughout the body.

Involve yourself with vigorous activities, these are the activities that will make your body busy like sweeping, cleaning the house, painting the house, digging, walking, washing clothes and so on, doing vigorous activities is much better that just staying still like a lazy person, these activities can help burn calories slowly in the body.



Getting old also can lead to belly fat because as you get older you are more likely to lose a lot of muscles especially if you're not physically active also aged people find it more difficult to involve themselves in exercise and vigorous activities.



One must reduce using a diet which contain excess sugar as it can lead to the increase of abdominal, fat eating sweets like chocolate, cakes, and sweetened drinks

sugar has uniquely harmful effects on our health, excess sugar can lead to fat building up around the belly and liver

Sugar contain glucose, fructose. When you eat a lot of added sugar, the liver gets overloaded with fructose and is forced to turn it into fat

Also drinking of sugar sweetened beverages, you will end up getting more fat


Fiber foods are very important for the functioning of the body; Dietary fiber is mostly indigestible plant matter.

The best way to get more fiber is to eat a lot of plant foods, including vegetables and fruit. Legumes are also a good source, as well as some cereals, such as whole oats

However, the type of fiber is important. Additional gram of fiber in your meal per day may cause lose in calorie and hence after while reduce the weight of the body

soluble fiber may be particularly effective at reducing the deeper fat that surrounds the organs in your belly.


 Protein food have low amounts of fat and can help build your body eat food like fish, meat, eggs, groundnut and so on help to fortify your immunity People who get enough protein feel very satisfied, and they’re not looking for all the refined carbohydrates chips, cookies, cake, candies or foods that have trans fats like the pastries you’d buy at a bakery or French fries,



Focus on plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and choose lean sources of protein and low-fat dairy products.


If you have a chance to lose belly fat then exercise is the best way take your time to do abdominal exercise, running, doing push up, jumping and so on

Exercise is among the best things you can do to increase your chances of living a long, healthy life and avoiding disease.


You must replace your sugary beverages with another type of drink which contain less sugar, also consider taking enough amount of water as it can help neutralize the excess amount of sugar in the body 


Lack of enough sleep is the one of the aspect that lead to the belly fat

 Poor sleep has been linked to the accumulation of body fat, as well as insulin resistance, Better sleep hygiene and stress reduction can help with fat loss.


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